Words of Inspiration To All Single Moms
This post is to all my single moms. Young women who are inspiring to have their own companies whatever area that may be. The best advice that I can give to you is to start today, not tomorrow...a week from now or even a month...
Start Today. Even though you may not have enough money, resources or enough people to start your team....Start Today. The Team still has to be started with YOU.
When I started CoutureLuv in 2012, I had no clue that it would grow to expand and change. But with time and effort, it became better and easier. Starting a company is not easy but it’s possible to accomplish. YOU just have to believe in yourself and never give up despite the hurdles that may come your way. I believe time management is the best thing you can do for yourself, 30 minute increments of small goals makes a big difference everyday. Set limits for every phase in your life. Whether it's your company, being a mom which is very hard to limit, your dating life, even your alone time should have structure. That way everything can get a little bit of time and nurturing daily for that constant growth in your life.
The key to success is being resilient and when you do, its because you love what you’re doing. There are many days that I want to give up as well as days where I’m inspired and enlighten. I have new ideas and I constantly put them down on paper or on my phone. So for 2018, I want every female entrepreneur to start their dreams Today!!!